Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Redesign K Thesis

1. The lounges and rooms in Trowbridge Hall serves as an encouragement or a desirable place to be, which can bring out the loyalty from the students commitment to studying in those places.

2. My constraints are how the furniture can be better, and how utilities around them could be useful. For example, wireless internet, which is not provided everywhere in the building, and heating problems, now that it is going to be winter.

The most important trigger points are the physical look of the lounges and rooms, and how it should invite the students to want to spend more time there, and serve as a “heroin” place where it is the only place students can feel they can concentrate on their work, using the things provided.

3. 5 Class Readings:
Emotional Designs: Visceral, Behavioral, Reflective
Design of Spaces
The Third Place
The Experience Architect
Principles of Marketing

4. “Brands are more than just names and symbols. Brands represent consumers‘ perceptions and feelings about a product and its performance-everything that the product or service means to consumers. As one branding expert suggests, ’Ultimately, brands reside in the minds of consumers.’ thus , the real value of a strong brand is its power to capture consumer preference and loyalty.”-Principles of Marketing

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