Monday, November 24, 2008

Grand Finale

I see design as a great, important aspect that comes from designers and is seen through their products to attract certain customers.

Taking this class allowed me to know how stores and companies market their products and the reason why they market it the way they do. Everything from the design of the merchandise, the way employees sell the merchandise, to the way the stores are structured. I now can answer myself why is it that I end up buying more than I originally go shopping for. Now, every time I go shopping, I apply everything I’ve learned and analyze the stores and the merchandise. It is quite enjoyable, and can’t seem to help it.

We spoke about the reactions of the customers, and why they are attracted to certain products, which made me realize what kind of customer I am, which is one who goes crazy in a store and is attracted to colors, and the brand of the products.

An advice I would give a new First Year student is know how to manage their time. Most of the time, professors give a lot of things at once for all classes. Students really should not procrastinate. They need to know how to limit the time of having fun and the time of studying and doing homework. College would not be so hard if they can manage to get things done on time or before time, so that they can have fun afterwards.

A good advice for a student enrolled in this seminar is always do the blog entries, because if they don’t, they will not be able to enjoy the class discussions, which is the best part of the seminar.

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